sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Hi, hi! ♫


How are you? ^^

The year began a little slow for me.  I had troubles with my internet for the last three weeks, so i just could checked some few things through my cellphone.  Finally was resolved!

But it was not as bad after all:  I was planning many things, scheduling activities and suddenly... no internet!!  One of my main tools of work!

So, i re-evaluated things, took other decisions,  found other ideas and now...i`m rescheduling everything! ^^

Talking about reschedule, i found an online tool that was very useful for me.  It`s Trello.  Since i am the type of person that like organize everything, make plannings, etc.  I found this tool help me to do it with all my projects in one place.  I left you the link here just in case some of you want to test it and can be as useful for your works as it is with mine ^^  https://trello.com 

Stay tune up!  New things are comming very soon! 

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