sábado, 30 de enero de 2016

Hi, hi! ♫


How are you? ^^

The year began a little slow for me.  I had troubles with my internet for the last three weeks, so i just could checked some few things through my cellphone.  Finally was resolved!

But it was not as bad after all:  I was planning many things, scheduling activities and suddenly... no internet!!  One of my main tools of work!

So, i re-evaluated things, took other decisions,  found other ideas and now...i`m rescheduling everything! ^^

Talking about reschedule, i found an online tool that was very useful for me.  It`s Trello.  Since i am the type of person that like organize everything, make plannings, etc.  I found this tool help me to do it with all my projects in one place.  I left you the link here just in case some of you want to test it and can be as useful for your works as it is with mine ^^  https://trello.com 

Stay tune up!  New things are comming very soon! 

sábado, 2 de enero de 2016

... And with it a new start in life.

Last year was full of good and not so good experiences. I learned some life lessons easily, others in the rude way.

However, I'm not complaining about these last ones that helped me growing as a person and broaden my vision as an artist. They also made me realize the people who are with me forever, no matter where in the world they are. For these people will always be my eternal gratitude.

Among the positive things both personally and professionally are:

- Recognition of years of work.
- Assigning of projects that demanded a lot of work and attention, but they made me feel satisfied with the final results.
- Improvement in the work of the anatomy.
- Practice of traditional drawing as my pc is damaged and learning techniques that help me solve with few resources. (Every cloud has a silver lining, we say in my country;))
- A new kitten called Sussie, which is now Marilyn sister to keep her company while I'm at work.
- I was able to wear high heels after years of not being able to use them for health issues.
- The "resurrection" of Versailles! (Those who know me know I'm a fan of Versailles, hehehe!)

On things that were not so well i could say:

- My main work PC was damaged and I could not fix it so far.
- Some health issues.
- The loss of my dear kitten Kiss.
- General situation of my country that end affecting general level topics.
- I met great friends that even though they are not physically at my side, they were with me celebrating the new year with me!  Thanks internet for this!! <3

As you see, I prefer to make the longest list of good things that the things not as positive as I want to focus on what I need to improve and leave behind what does not leave me anything productive or that can no longer be changed.

This year, on the artistic side, I want to devote myself to improve perspectives and backgrounds without neglecting the study of anatomy.

I also want to resume webcomics, that helps me a lot to have fun, get the creative side and enjoy my favorite characters.

As I can no longer go to the speed with which I usually work, I decided to take it easy, no stress, and make a plan to help me work with in order even when my head goes a thousand revolutions per minute.

I have high expectations at this like the best stage of my life, however expectations and desires are nothing if we do not work for them, and the word “work” does not intimidate me, by the opposite, it motivates me.

I wish for each and every one of you a great year full of happiness, health and success. Dream in big and work for it!