jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

Sketches done today

Almost daily, i`m practicing during my lunch hour sketching things.  I could not upload them here because my computer was not recognizing the scanner, until today.  But i post pics of them in my Facebook.

Today, i wanted to practice expressions based on the interaction of characters with others:

The first two are Kyrsiel and Midori: her guardian angel not always understood by her :rofl:.  
The second sketch is Kyrsiel and Ronny, those two are crazy!.  
The third sketch are Gersiel and Agramòn:  they cannot see to each other even in pics.  I could say that demon is the only one able to put Gersiel in very, very bad mood!
The four sketch is Gersiel and Mitharael:  his favorite former student.

I think i did these sketches in around 15 minutes.  I had not a lot time today after i ate my lunch :giggle:

Midori, Kyrsiel, Ronny, Gersiel, Agramòn, Mitharael ©  Reenave

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