sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2016

Ending 2016

The year is almost finishing in this part of the world.

2016 was a very different year.  It was full of ideas, projects and will to do many things but at the same time with a lot restrictions to make them true.

It was a year when i worked harder than others but i couldn`t see advances.  Many times i was near to give up.  My strenght and enthusiasm abandoned me many times living in a country where the conditions are very tough and the near future is uncertain.

Thankfully, i had great friends that were at my side encouraging me and helping me to not give up!

One of those friends was my partner in the stories of Fat Neko and Tanuki Girl and friend, Lucius Fat Cat, who always was there in the most difficult moments. He is not only a great artist but an amazing friend and i`m very greatful for his support.

I  couldn`t get all the goals i wanted for this year but it made me  stronger, it helped me to get clear what i want to get and how much i`m  decided to do to get it. I have the determination to get all i couldn`t  this year and i`m going for it! Thanks to all the people that in one or other way helped, supported and believed in my work as artist.

What you see in the pic is one of the piles of sketches, drawings and plottings of the manga stories.  Let`s going to do all that a completed work in 2017!

Enjoy a beatiful holidays with all your beloved people and have a lot of fun!

My best wishes,
