domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

Lucius Fat Cat webpage

It`s Sunday... we should be resting but no...we are working for fun! ^^ My friend and partner in the stories of Fat Neko and Tanuki Girl, Lucius Fat Cat has his own page for his art! I`m very happy to see him giving his first steps to show openly his art! By my own experience, i know how hard is to decide to show in public our works. Please, take a look at his page and test it! Let us know if you find any trouble and sumscribe to his page to be updated with his new arts available

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2016

Fat Neko and Tanuki Girl in Instagram

And...we decided to do the own Instagram account for Fat Neko and Tanuki Girl!! This would be an easy way to share frequently with the readers and keep the information about only one story together. I`m thinking to do the same with "Angel Guardian" What would you think about it? :)

viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016

Information about Fat Neko and Tanuki Girl manga.

I'm very happy and proud to share with all of you that my great friend and partner in the stories of "Fat Neko and Tanuki Girl" @wordlesschronicle a.k.a. #LuciusFatCat has decided to make public his profile to share his art. Lucius is a great artist in watercolor with Asian thematic, but that is not all!! He is an #ikebana artist (floral arrangements), and a great vegan cooker!! Lets give him a lot love to his art!! Follow him to get updated with his new works!!